Are You Minding Your Health? Tips for Achieving Holistic Wellness

Health has many definitions. Depending on who you ask – a healthcare professiona, TikTok, Google, YouTube, Alexa, or Siri – health care refer to a state of being free from illness or injury, a person’s mental or physical condition, an expression of friendly feelings, or a condition in which someone or something is thriving.

Physical health is often the first thing that comes to mind when we think about health. Some might use simple indicators like weight to judge how “healthy: or “unhealthy” a person is. But what is happening inside the body? Can we truly see how it function? Or, are we just using physical appearance as a measure of health without considering the person as a whole?

Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being that is often overlooked. Fortunately, this is changing as mental health has become less stigmatized. A person’s mental health affects everyone around them. Think about how someone else’s bad day can change your mood or how someone’s good day can lift your spirits. Your positivity or pessimism can also influence others. Mental health impacts our mood, emotions, social well-being, and attitude. It isn’t just about depression or disorders. Without a healthy mind, we can’t live a healthy life.

Prioritizing mental health involves setting personal priorities. It’s easy to let others influence our day, mood, and outlook. It’s more challenging to take control of what we say, how we say it, and our actions. What rejuvenates your spirit? How do you clear your mind to focus on tasks? How do you empty your brain to prepare for what comes next? Keeping your brain healthy is essential, and there isn’t just one way to do it. That’s the beauty of life!

Some might want to rest their brain, relax, meditate, and clear their mind of noise. Others might prefer reading to stimulate their brain. Exercise benefits both the brain and body. Talking with someone can also be a way to clear your mind of daily turmoil. There is no shame in finding someone who will listen.

For me personally, balance is the key to a healthy mind and life. It’s easy to say but harder to achieve. With the support of my husband, family, and friends, I realized that if I don’t take the time to connect my mind, body, and spirit, I’m no good to others. If I’m not in a good place mentally, spiritually, emotionally, or physically, no one is my home is either.

So, what’s the message here? It’s simple. Find what makes you happy. Research shows that when we are happy, we spread joy to those around us. Positivity is contagious. Allow yourself a happy mind and heart to live a happy life!

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