The One Big Thing to Expect in the First Week of Going Vegan

So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and go vegan? Congrats! You’re about to embark on a journey that’s not only good for your body but also for the planet. But let’s be real—change can be a bit of a rollercoaster. The first week of going vegan is all about discovering new foods, dealing with a few surprises, and maybe even dodging some myths along the way. Here’s a sneak peek into what you can expect!

1. Your Taste Buds Are in for a Ride 🎢

Get ready for a flavor explosion! Switching to a plant-based diet opens up a whole new world of tastes and textures. You’ll find yourself experimenting with foods you might have never tried before–think quinoa, tempeh, nutritional yeast (it’s better than it sounds, I promise), and endless varieties of fruits and veg. 

Don’t be surprised of your cravings start to change. As you cut out animal products, you might notice that you’re no longer yearning for that cheesy pizza as much as you used to. Instead, you might start craving creamy avocado toast or a spicy lentil curry. Trust me, your taste buds are just getting warmed up!

2. You Might Feel Like a Snack Monster 🍫

Let’s talk about the munchies. In your first week of going vegan, it’s common to feel hungrier than usual. Don’t panic! Your body is adjusting to a diet that’s generally lower in calories but higher in fiber. This is the perfect excuse to dive into some healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, or a healthy smoothie. Just be mindful of the ingredients–some snacks that seem vegan might sneek in dairy or honey (read the ingredient labels). 

And hey, if you’re craving something sweet, vegan desserts are here to save the day. Think dairy-free ice cream. Cado is my favorite brand! Dark Chocolate or homemade banana bread are also good choices. The options are endless, and the good news is that you don’t have to miss out on your favorite treats!

Source: Cado Ice Cream

3. Navigating Social Situations Might Be... Interesting 😬

Here’s the deal: Your friends and family might have a lot of questions. Some might be supportive, others may be a little skeptical, and a few might even try to tempt you with your old favorites. The first week is all about standing your ground while being open to sharing your reason for going vegan (if you feel like it). 

A pro tip? Do a little prep before heading out to social events. Check menus online, suggest vegan-friendly restaurants, download vegan apps, or even bring a vegan dish to share. It’s all about making it easy for you to stick to your goals while enjoying time with your family and friends. 

4. Energy Levels Might Be Up and Down ⚡️

Your body is going through some changes, so it’s normal to experience a fluctuation in energy leves. Some people feel an instant energy boost, whil others might feel a bit sluggish as their bodies adjust to their new vegan diet. The key is to focus on eating a balanced diet–lots of whole grains, legumes, fruits, veg, and healthy fats. 

Make sure you are getting enough iron and B12, as these are nutrients that can be trickier to find in a vegan diet. Consider fortified foods or supplements if you’ re feeling a bit low on energy. And of course, hydration is crucial–water, water, water!

5. You’ll Start Seeing the World Differently 🌍

This might sound a bit deep, but it’s true. When you go vegan, you start to see the world through a different lens. You become more aware of the impact your food choices have on the environment, animals, and your health. This is a time of learning and growth, so embrace it!

You might find yourself researching more about veganism, reading labels like a pro, and maybe even trying your hand at cooking (YouTube is a goldmine for vegan recipes, by the way). Check out these documentaries to further educate yourself about the vegan lifestyle.

6. You’re Not Alone—Join the Vegan Community 🥑

The best part of about going vegan? The community. There are tons of resources, forums, and social media groups where you can connect with other vegans, share tips, and get support. Feeling lost in the grocery store? There’s a blog for that. Need some recipe inspiration? Instagram’s got you covered.

To get you started, check out this awesome YouTube video from Physicians Committee that offers tips on how to thrive in your first week as a vegan. Did you know that there are also vegan starter kits available? Click and PeTA to order yours today.

Final Thoughts: It’s Just the Beginning 🚀

Your first week of going vegan is the start of an exciting adventure. There will be highs and lows, but each day you’re making a positive impact. Remember, it’s okay to take it one day at a time. And if you slip up? No biggie–just jump back on track and keep going. 

Welcome to vegan life! You’ve got this.

"It takes 21 days to form a habit and just 66 days to make it automatic".

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